Wednesday, May 1, 2019

How to Improve?

Self Improvement is a big part of a Trader's Job if he/she wants to succeed.

But how does one improve....Here are some ways.


1. Keep a Journal of things you do. You will know what works well and what does not. Keep doing more of what works well.


2. Keep SMART goals. Small Measurable Achievable Realistic Trackable. Work towards achieving them using your Journalling from point above


3. Take time away to think of new ideas out of the box. Always try to see if a particular algorithm can be shortened or improved.


4. Be prepared for the opportunity can arise anytime. Success is only when preparation meets opportunity.


5. Keep a close track on your finances(Income, Balance Sheet etc.) preferably over a quarter just like corporations


6. Be a student for life and keep learning each day by reading or talking to others.



Apple has a Blow-out After Earnings!


Apple announced earnings on Apr 30th 2019

The decline in iPhone sales was augmented with services revenue and good sales in iPads.


The company also raised dividend and are expecting further raises in future.

Stock is up huge after hours