Saturday, May 31, 2008

20th Century US Economic History

1907 - Bank failures
1913 - Fed Created
1916 - US Farmers feed two continents by increasing production
1919 - WWI Ends
1921 - The US Farmers have a hard time as the recession starts
1925 - Banks start lending recklessly
1927 - Stock markets start to rally crazy
1929 - President Herbert Hoover could not help much in preventing the Great Depression
1932 - FDR comes to power and starts a series of fireside talks
1933 - Keynes tells govt. to start spending to stimulate the economy
1934 - FDR Signs a new deal and Bank holiday etc
1942 - Fed buys treasury bonds and pumps money in the system for WWII
1946 - Employment act guarantees that govt will take care of citizen jobs
1950 - Treasury and Fed at loggerheads
1951 - Fed given a more autonomous role in monetary policy
1953 - Eisenhower era with big spending
1960 - JFK to power
1962 - Minor Tax cuts
1963 - JFK Murdered
1964 - President Lyndon Johnson makes a 10 Billion tax cut
1965 - Inflation grows due to war production
1966 - Fed controls the inflation quite well
1970 - Inflation set fire due to the vietnam war
1972 - 4% inflation and then the crop failures
1973 - 8.5% inflation and now the Oil Embargo
1974 - In Aug inflation at 13% annual rate. This was due to food and oil supply shocks
1975 - Stagflation

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