Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What Cara Carleton Fiorina Taught Us

What happens and how does it happen? How do people who are enlightened, optimistic and focused on the future go into a period of fear and uncertainty? How do they come out of it?

All of us are overwhelmed with a lot of information. They key is in filtering a lot of information and figuring out what is truly important and what is merely interesting.

Everybody is afraid of something. What distinguishes who succeeds in life depends on what do you do with your fear.

Courage is not the absence of fear. It is what actions are taken inspite of the presence of fear.

The essence of business is risk taking. Taking a risk is all about trying something new. This is what causes fear in the organization.

The natural momentum of any organization is to preserve the status quo. Why? Because the people who have the positions of power and influence want to keep them. So you have to know that the force that is acting against you when you are tying to get a change is the power of the status quo.

Change is always resisted. Always. In order to get a change you need to overcome people's fear and the power of the status quo.

Management as the production of acceptable or exceptional results within known constraints and conditions. Very important. But management is not leadership.

Leadership is all about changing the existing order of things. There is nothing so difficult or dangerous than to change the existing order of things. That is why only leaders can drive change.

Leadership is about capability, collaboration and character

Capability is very important. Of course we needs skills, experiences all those are important. Sometimes the most important capability you can have is about asking questions and listening to answers.

Every time you go into a new situation, you have to ask questions to understand what is there.

Customers can not always tell you what they want but they will always tell you what is wrong. That is the leading indicator of how well a business is doing.

Everytime they tell you something is wrong, it is an opportunity.

Income statements and balance sheets are lagging indicators very important but lagging indicators. Representation of decisions already made. It is like a rear view mirror.

There are things that tell you where a business is going and that is cust sat, ability to innovate and the ability of taking risks. They are all leading indicators.

If a business stops innovating and risk taking their days may be outnumbered.

It is also about celebrating new ideas and taking initiative to try new things. She insists that a continuous learning process is important to strengthen an entrepreneur's capability.

Every person and every organization reaches a point when the old answers are not good anymore. So that is the time when we need new ideas, innovation, creativity and risk taking.

Other important thing about capability is to keep learning. To learn something every day.

It is not the strongest of the species who survive or the most intelligent but those who are most adaptive to change.

If you do things on the line or at the edge you will get results in the short time. But sooner or later they walk over the line and that is devastating. So stay true to ethics and values.

Values are what guide your behaviour when no one is looking and you know that no one is going to find out.

If leaders can drive change only collaboration empowers change.

It is only when people collaborate really effectively that they come to the best outcomes and best answers.

Simple guidelines to gauge ethics in an organization. She asks entrepreneurs to answer key questions about promotion and performance within the organization.

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